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China provides temporary social assistance 4.18 million times in H1

BEIJING, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) — China provided temporary social assistance 4.18 million times during the first half of this year, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA).
As of the end of June, the country had 40.37 million residents living on subsistence allowance, which include 6.48 million in urban areas and 33.89 million in the countryside, Wu Zengfeng, spokesperson of the MCA, said Tuesday.
The MCA has stepped up efforts to guide local authorities in effectively carrying out dynamic monitoring of low-income populations and implementing tiered, classified social assistance, Wu noted.
He emphasized that families not eligible for subsistence allowances but struggling with essential living expenses should be better identified to ensure they receive assistance.
Corruption and misconduct in this area are also being continuously addressed, Wu added. ■
